Elder Uchtdorf starts by relating the story of the last supper. The Lord turns to his disciples and informs them that one of them will betray Him. No one doubted the Lord nor did they turn to each other and start pointing fingers. Instead, they sorrowfully asked, "Lord, is it I?".
"In these simple words, “Lord, is it I?” lies the beginning of wisdom and the pathway to personal conversion and lasting change."
The discussion that led from this story tied in with the lessons we have had the last few weeks. We talked about the importance of not pointing to our fellow Branch members or neighbors or friends or family as examples of who needs changing. We must look inward. Sister Jean-Marie stated that for each finger we point out towards everyone, we probably have, or could have, several pointing back at us. Additionally, the more positive we give out, the more positive that will come back to us.
Another story Elder Uchtdorf related was about a highly functioning and successful ward that his friend belonged to. They had great home and visiting teaching numbers, great attendance, fantastic ward events and well behaved primary children. Elder Uchtdorf's friend and his wife left on a mission; upon returning 3 years later, they learned that 11 marriages in that ward had ended in divorce. No matter how things appear, we never know what is going on behind the scenes.
"Such terrible and often unnecessary things happen when members of the Church become disengaged from gospel principles. They may appear on the outside to be disciples of Jesus Christ, but on the inside their hearts have separated from their Savior and His teachings. They have gradually turned away from the things of the Spirit and moved toward the things of the world."
We were taught today that success starts in the home. Even if we are dutifully attending church each week, it doesn't matter if we're not also praying and studying scriptures as a family and individually and nurturing our family through Family Home Evening and time spent together. The effects of not doing those things will be seen years down the road and generations later. We need to be converted in our hearts so that all aspects of our lives center around Christ.
When we listen to General Conference and are spiritually edified in our Sunday meetings, we should turn inward and use the teachings as a self-examination instead of thinking, "Oh, this lesson is definitely for Sister So-and-So" or "I hope Brother So-and-So is listening!". We all have room for improvement so we should apply teachings to ourselves.
President Uchtdorf: "My dear brethren, will you please look inside your hearts and ask the simple question:
“Lord, is it I?”
The words of the Apostle James apply to us today:
“God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. …
“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”13
Brethren, we must put aside our pride, see beyond our vanity, and in humility ask, “Lord, is it I?”
And if the Lord’s answer happens to be “Yes, my son, there are things you must improve, things I can help you to overcome,” I pray that we will accept this answer, humbly acknowledge our sins and shortcomings, and then change our ways by becoming better husbands, better fathers, better sons. May we from this time forward seek with all our might to walk steadfastly in the Savior’s blessed way—for seeing ourselves clearly is the beginning of wisdom."
Please take a minute to click on the link at the beginning of this summary at read the whole talk through.
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